
ComicLettering.pro is a joint project between the Czech designer, Filip Blažek, and the Hungarian designer, Roland Hüse. They started to work together in 2018, primarily on the careful localization of comic books for Czech publishing houses. 

Filip Blažek

Filip is a Czech graphic designer, typographer and teacher. He established the Designiq studio in Prague in 2003. He focuses on corporate identity, book design, editorial design and typography. He has lectured on type design and typography since 1999. He is a regular lecturer at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and ARCHIP in Prague.

Roland Hüse

Roland is a Hungarian graphic designer, typographer, calligrapher and type designer. He is also the founder of Roland Hüse Design. He has had a passion for drawing since childhood, especially letterforms. As a child, he enjoyed drawing and copying the lettering from soda cans and chocolate bars. He took a more serious approach to hand lettering and type design around 2010 and is mostly self-taught. 

Postal address

Studio Designiq
Letenské náměstí 76​/​3
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
tel. +420 604 964 269

Company address

Mgr. Filip Blažek
Osadní 1458​/​1
170 00 Praha 7
Czech Republic
ID 48063851
EU VAT CZ7409120070